Scrim replay
Remember the scrim from Macbeth/Midsummer? Well it came back to torment me again. This time we recycled it for Opera North. How does such a thing happen? Same designer. He's great about reusing and recycling set pieces, as well working within our budget restraints.
We knew before hand that we would be reusing this, and therefore were careful when we removed it from it's frame. The new configuration for The Magic Flute was much smaller. I was able to get the three panels needed out of two of the original, attempting to keep the flow the the clouds together.
Using the orginal scrim as a base, I needed to add some blue to the bottom and some line drawings. You may recognize these drawings from the Zodiac Drop. I had hoped they would be the same size as the drop, so that I could reuse the pounce. No such luck. Instead I drew the figures onto the paper under the scrim, where I could just see them through the scrim.
Here's a view while painting. If you look closely you can see the black sharpie lines beneath the scrim. There is a view of the rendering as well (albeit upside down) The yellow is a muslin overlay that you'll see below.
And here it is complete:
On to the overlay. This should have been easy. Unfortunately the rendering wasn't in scale. At least he did label it as such, unlike some other designers this year. I went off of the drafting for size of the panels as well as placement of the eye. The pupil eventually is cut out to show the scrim below, so that placement was important. I hand drew all of the glyphs as opposed to projecting and pouncing them. I had to be a little creative in placement as there was more space on the rendering than on the actual pieces.
And here they are complete. All that was left to do was cut out the pupil....which I did but didn't take a picture of.
And there it is....onto the next project.
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